Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Newest Coaching Project

Well since my husband resigned as a coach/teacher for the district he has started his own select baseball program for the town. I am so excited for him... although the field we have is the old district's field. Therefore we are redoing everything... I mean everything. We are trimming trees, painting fences, painting dugouts, planting grass, pulling weeds and redoing the batting cages. Eventually we will be moving the outfield fence further back and the backstop forward.

I will post before pictures as we go along the process!

Our life has been turned upside down with baseball once again, but it is a different kind!

I am so proud of my husband and his dream that he has started, that I want to be with him and help him with every step of the way! Even if that means spending 6 hours a night at the field and coming home at 11. I love spending time with him and his dream. I want him to know that I support him and so I will be by his side 100% of the way.

There will be an information meeting on the 20th, so prayer warriors get busy! Pray for the parents to show interest and support for Brent with his new career. Pray for guidance with our new path in life that we walk with Christ the entire way.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Journey...

Well my husband officially resigned from his job as a coach and teacher for his district. It has always been a dream of his to start his own select Baseball League ,for ages 9-14... more info coming soon!

In addition to his passion for coaching he ABSOLUTELY LOVES animals... I mean come on we have been married for 6 months and already have 3 puppies; ages 1, 9 months and 3 1/2 months! Needless to sat my life is never dull! While running is own baseball league he will be running a new business, Aubrey Alpha Dog, dog training. He is getting his dog training  certification and will be an animal behavioral specialist. He is awesome at this with not only our dogs but others I have witnessed him training just on the first day!

Our lives is about to change drastically! We will have different schedules than we have become accustomed to with teaching and coaching. We will also see a difference in our bank accounts, obviously!

Many people ask me when they hear of this change if I am worried or how I feel. I am trying to stay calm, which is never easy for a woman! I know that my salary pays for the bills each month so I know we are safe. I also know that we will not be broke because of my husband's ambitions and drive to succeed no matter what! I would appreciate prayers while we are on our journey through God's new path for our life!

We are excited about this new chapter in our lives and cannot wait to see what God has in store for us!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


"It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into the giving." Mother Theresa

I absolutely LOVE watching my husband coach and the boys play, whom I have watched for basketball and baseball. Most of these boys I have watched for 2 seasons and I really enjoy their personalities and joy that they bring to my husband! They are very respectful and make me feel welcomed and wanted when I miss a game! Therefore, I could go to games just to go (like some other wives) but it means more when I go because I want to and love going! 

It takes a lot for me to be positive but it is very important to stay positive with a coach because there are many negative aspects to the job they have. No matter if you win or lose a game someone is never happy with a decision made by you, the coach. While watching my attitude I also have to watch what I say and do. Unlike the parents I cannot make comments about players and their efforts because I am the wife. 

Many times I struggle as a coach's wife but I wouldn't trade our life right now for anything else! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our lives recently

Typical jobs are 40 hour weeks... coaching is a 70-80 hour week job. When you are working that much and still getting paid for a 40 hour job it is difficult to see the benefits. 

My husband has been stressed lately and I thought it was just like normal people stress... well apparently NOT! This last Thursday, April 5th, Brent had been experiencing a tingling and numbing feeling in his right arm all day. By about 1:00 he complained of the numbing getting worse and then having chest pains. He decided to go to the ER to get checked out. 

Meanwhile, I was at school giving a Benchmark for the last hour of school. My coworkers graciously let me go be with him. The ER ran an EKG test and the tests came back normal... but they explained that he has stress induced chest pains and needed to take things easy. The doctor was concerned about the amount of hours he was working and the health conditions for a 25 year old.  

Unfortunately Friday morning one of Brent's (football) players was in a fatal car accident and devastated the entire community. We went to his candle lighting service Saturday night. People were getting up and sharing their stories of Ryan. I did not know the young man but the story Brent shared with me brought tears to my eyes. His moment was "I remember an away game we road on the bus together and he was asking me about Christianity." At this moment it made me realize how much more of an impact my husband was on young men! The weekend before a parent came up to me with a message for coach, "Tell him thank you for being such a godly role model to our son. He loves playing for him and can tell something is different about him; he in genuine and not a hypocrite. We informed him that when people are working to glorify God they are supposed to be different and coach has shown our son how that can be done." When I heard this chills were sent down my spine and a peace came over my body. I knew my husband was a big influence and many boys ask him questions daily but hearing from a parent was even more evident of his ministry that he has with these boys as their COACH. 

At this week's game Brent had to get onto a parent during the game from the dugout because he could not seem to control himself or his comments. Luckily this particular family had respect for Brent and shut his mouth but it still caused quiet an uproar of surprised looks and thank you comments! 

So all in all we have had a somewhat crazy week but nevertheless it is our lives!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Think of the famous line in Wizard of Oz... "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" Well that's what goes through my mind as soon as I seen any umpire for the game each night.

Let me break down last week's umpires for you:
Tuesday- I have NEVER seen two umpires more obsessed about where the bats were, how close the coach's chair was out of the dugout, where the photographers could and couldn't be. They also made some weird calls that no one seemed to understand... from both sides. This was for both JV and Varsity games.

Friday- These guys were ok. The only big complaint parents and I seemed to find was the LOW and inconsistent strike zone for the Varsity game.

Saturday- Now this was an umpire I DID NOT LIKE! He was rude, inconsiderate and judgmental... and the game had not even started!

Let me give you a little inside information about myself, I am very pale and sun cautious because of the skin cancer that runs in my family and my precancerous moles removed not too long ago. Therefore I am pale and have a low self esteem about it... besides it's March, everyone who isn't baking in a bed is pale! Baseball games are my tanning time!

Ok, so back to Saturday's umpire... while I was waiting for the game to start I was sitting in my chair with shorts and a tank top on. He walked up to the fence and I quote "Dang, I know it is the beginning of the spring but DANG... I hope you put some lotion on those legs or you'll fry." As I sat and looked at the man, whom I didn't know, I thought of the nicest words to say since my husband is the coach of the game he will be calling soon. My response was "UMM, yes I do. I am not that stupid. I haven't been out yet this spring and it just got warm enough for shorts." I went on about my business and he went on behind the plate.

Not only did he insult me and embarrass me, but he made uncalled for comments to my husband about his team. Brent was playing people who either: 1) didn't play much, 2) didn't play the position he had them playing and 3) this was not an official game, so it didn't matter as much.

He didn't stop there though, he made ANOTHER comment about my pale legs in comparison to his ex-wife... let me emphasis the EX part. Well after watching and listening to the man all afternoon I understood why she was his ex, without meeting the lady!

Needless to say this last week's umpires were not my favorite but I know we can't always have the best of the best. The hardest thing for me is to always remember to bite my tongue because of who my husband is. I am a very vocal person about certain things and I like to be heard, this isn't always good as a coach's wife...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Being the coach's coach...

In life you go through wins and losses... As a parent or player watching/playing and you lose it is difficult although you move on, but as the coach you beat yourself up because of it. Therefore as the wife you are the only person left to hear the ranting and raving, while being the only one to praise him in the rough times. No one likes to lose at anything they do, that is a part of life. When a player loses a game they are upset but get over it relatively quickly. Coach's, on the other hand do not, since this is their JOB it is hard to take in a loss and simply get over it.

Think about it this way... You are an employee for a big name company and you have to design a new product, pitch the idea and make a prototype. Days leading up to the big day you rehearse and make sure your prototype works, everything is great! Now the day of the presentation is here and one little thing goes wrong, your charts got wet from the rain. You continue to enter your building with pride and head towards your meeting. Suddenly you realize you left the prototype in the car, with you keys. You can't make a big scene because you are to present in 10 minutes. Therefore you have to go in with a wet chart and no prototype.. you know that if this pitch does not go well your job is on the line. Coaching is the same way... things will go wrong no matter what. A player will strike out because they don't listen to your suggestions. A player will make errors on the field and you have to TRY to remain calm. All of these things play into the win or lose... which in reality plays into your job.

My husband has had difficult days with players who won't give their full effort, despite the many "DO NOT GIVE UP" lectures he gives in between innings. I find myself as the wife giving the same speeches after the games, sometimes even between. It's funny how the tables of coaching turn! Occasionally I feel like the coach of my own coach!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My life as an official coach's wife

I haven't blogged in awhile and there is so much to say!

We have been married almost 2 months now! We had a wonderful wedding and honeymoon... but as soon as we landed we hit the road running with Christmas, birthdays and games, of course! There is no such thing as a break when you're a coach.

Brent is the freshman coach for his school and loves every minute of it. I have had the privilege of cooking for the WHOLE team once since we have been married. This was chaotic because we had just come home from the vet. Within the whole morning of being off of work, taking two puppies to the vet and cooking lunch and desserts for 13 freshman boys I still managed to keep my sanity! I was shocked! The players are some of the most respectful young men and I loved watching them pray before their meal as a team! God has truly blessed us in this profession to be the light to these young men.

Since then I have gone to almost every game and sat with the parents. This was a very bold and brave move. Most wives do not sit with the parents because of the risk of comments about the coach, aka my husband. I, on the other hand, have the best parents on the planet to sit with! They are so supportive and never say anything negative, in front of me anyways. :) Many other wives desire for this and I thank God for having this.

Our journey through basketball has not been the smoothest but it was the best learning experience for all of us. The boys on the team became one and learned to play as one. Brent learned patience and that he is an awesome coach because he shows that he cares but is not a pushover coach but pushes the boys to strive for excellence and confidence in themselves...even if they lose. I learned to be patient with games, refs and visiting parents who make unwanted comments about my husband.

Now baseball has started and as soon as the last basketball game ends, baseball practice begins the next day and our days get even longer and life gets more challenging but we knew it was coming and we are prepared... or at least I think I am...

Life is like a road; there are parts that are smooth and others that have little bumps or HUGE potholes. It is how we take that road when we come to those rough patches that matter. We could sit and look at them trying to figure out what to do or go through them in order to move on with our journey. God will provide the light for us on our journey... we just need to make sure we stay on His path and not veer off onto another one to avoid the bumps ahead.